New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

June 28-July 4 • Sivan 29-Tamuz 5

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Mutty & Aliza Lehrman for a Hodu LHashem Ki Tov

by the Goldberg and Mernick families to mark the yahrzeit of Samuel M. Goldberg, R’ Shmuel Meir  ben R’ Eliyahu HaCohen z”l

by Mark and Karen Benson to mark the yahrtzeit of Betzalel Mordechi ben David Yizchak HaLevi

by Avi and Allegra Goldberg in loving memory of Judith I. Messer, Yehudit Ita bat Reuven, on her yahrtzeit

by Aryeh and Kashi Grossman in honor of Rabbi Yaakov Glasser for his personal guidance and selfless dedication to Klal Yisrael

New This Week

Rabbi Mordechai Benhaim

Pearls from The Talmud: The Joy Factor

A new bi-weekly series going through famous pieces of aggadeta found in Shas.

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Rabbi Dovid Hirsch

How to Officiate a Funeral

A practical guide to running a levaya, including the basic halachos as well as what's appropriate.

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Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Inyanei Tzitzis and Tcheiles

Is tzitzis a requirement on the person or the clothing? What types of clothing require tzitzis? What's considered wearing?

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Rabbi Eliav Silverman

Shemitta Overview

The basics of the rules of Shemitta and how to navigate the rules of what's permitted and what's prohibited.

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Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

Chukos Akum: Defining the Issur

The start of a new series on the laws of Chukos Akum. What are the general rules of the prohibition and where does it apply?

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Rabbi Ari Zahtz

Eicha Perek 1

The first in a five-part series to understand the Book of Lamentations we all know of but perhaps don't fully understand.

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Featured This Week


Learn American Jewish History

Celebrating July 4 with a Jewish perspective: who built the American Jewish community as we know it, and what were their challenges?

Browse the Shiurim

Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l

Mark the Rebbe's yahrtzeit this week with shiurim on his life and Torah insights.

Browse the Shiurim

Beyond Shemitta

Listen to recordings from this year's Kollel Elyon Conference on the relevance of Shemitta to the 21st Century.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

Recordings from the program on Sunday, June 26

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Yevamot 107-113

Rabbi Mordechai Djavaheri: Eino Sameach beHoraah (109b)

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: How does a doctor choose a rabbi? (109b)

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Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall 419
New York, NY 10033