Music During the Three Weeks

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

June 29-July 5 • Tamuz 19-25

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Estelle Harris in appreciation of YUTorah
by Chaya Nussbaum Kosower in memory of Aryeh Leib ben Isser
by Marc Pomerantz in honor of everyone associated with the YUTorah Online project

New This Week

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen

Three Weeks To Shine Your Diamond In The Rough

The Bein Hameitzarim is meant to be more than just a sad time, it's supposed to be a period of self-introspection to see what we need to be doing to bring back the Beit Hamikdash.

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Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman

Havdala When Tisha Bav Starts Motzei Shabbos
Is the ability to make Havdala later similar to the halacha of Tashlumin of tefilla, or is it something else?

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Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Avoiding Machlokes: The Recipe for Rebuilding

Why do we call it baseless hatred, sinas chinam? Isn't there always a justification?

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Rabbi Isaac Rice

A Cappella Music During the Three Weeks
The baseline really is that music is prohibited all year to mourn for the Beis Hamikdash, and all further discussions follow from that.

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Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

Medical Ethics: End of Life Care

Medical assistance in dying, withdrawing care, withholding care, and making acute care decisions for the critically ill.

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Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg

Miriam's Kindness and the Future of Chodesh Tammuz

Why was the month of Tamuz given to Eisav? Why is it such a scary month? And can we change that to something positive?

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Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank

How to Learn Halacha

What tools are needed in order to understand practical halacha in our learning?

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Featured This Week

Democracy in Halacha

Celebrating July 4 with a Jewish perspective: How do Chazal view democracy, and what does the Torah consider to be the ideal form of government?

Browse the Shiurim
Music During the Three Weeks

What is the basis for not listening to music? When would it be permitted?

Browse the Shiurim
Beyond Hunger: Food for Thought When Fasting

Enjoy recordings from the recent yom iyun from the Zichron Dov Beit Midrash of Toronto on topics relating to fasting for various reasons.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

Recordings from the program on Sunday, June 27

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Yoma 73-79

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Four Questions: The Centrality of 'Lev', the Curious Power of Schmoozing, Exceptional Extendibility, & the 'Asher Yatzar' Puzzle (77b)

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: The Measurement of K’zayit (73b)


Rabbi Jesse Horn: Mushva V'Omed M'Har Sinai (74a)

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Chatzi Shiur in Shabbos (74a)

Rabbi Yoni Levin: Chatzi Shiur on Mitzvos Aseh (74a)

Rabbi Kevin Perlitch: Tefillah: How Can We Change Hashem's Mind? (76a)

Rabbi Daniel Rosenfeld: Mann: Food of Angels (75b)

Rabbi Shay Schachter: The Nature of the 5 Inuyim of Yom Kippur (73b) When "Most is Good Enough" (74a)

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: Three Roles of the Choshen "Mishpat" (73b) Kdei Achilat Pras, Chatzi Shiur and Gid haNasheh (74a) Stress in Jewish Law (75a) Keruvim: Legalized Idolatry?? (77a)

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Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall 419
New York, NY 10033